The Art of Holding Space
Trauma Informed Care for Mental Health Service Providers
On Being a Therapist.
As therapists, our work is rooted in the ability to hold space with empathy, curiosity, and intention. It’s not just about mastering techniques; it’s about cultivating a deep presence that allows clients to feel seen, heard, and safe. This trauma-informed care training invites you to reconnect with the core of your therapeutic practice—your capacity to be fully present in the room, attuned to the complexities of trauma, and empowered to navigate its impact with confidence. Together, we will explore the skills and strategies that make therapy not only effective but also deeply human, embracing both the science and the art of healing.
A holistic approach to trauma
How does trauma show up in the body? Why do physical symptoms often linger long after the event has passed? In this training, we’ll explore how the body holds onto trauma and what it means to create safety and grounding at a physical level.
What role do emotions play in trauma recovery? How can we support clients in processing overwhelming feelings and rebuilding their emotional resilience? Together, we’ll unpack the emotional impact of trauma and discuss pathways to emotional healing.
How does trauma affect the way we think about ourselves, others, and the world? What are the ways it shapes memory, beliefs, and perception? This training will address these cognitive shifts and provide insights into fostering clarity and empowerment.
Why do trauma responses often result in patterns of avoidance, hypervigilance, or other behaviors? How can we guide clients toward healthier ways of coping? We’ll discuss how to recognize and work with trauma-related behaviors during the training.
You Will Learn
the holistic impact of trauma
essentials of trauma-informed care
how to assess for trauma
the importance of the therapeutic alliance
best practices and interventions
being mindful of Boundaries & burnout
The Art of Holding Space
Trauma Informed Care