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Immigration Evaluations

Many immigrants have courageously escaped conditions of trauma, torture, effects of climate change, and destitution; striving for safety and better living conditions for their families.  In the case of Central Americans, stringent and exclusive immigration laws have made it extremely difficult for them to legalize their status. As the US government has stepped up enforcement and deportations, families are at risk of being torn apart, further traumatized, and many are unable to be reunified.

protest sign reading "history has its eyes on you"

We support immigrants.  

We honor their stories. 

We advocate for their safety and dignity.  

Creative Ways Therapy's licensed clinicians conduct comprehensive mental health evaluations in Spanish and/or English, and draft thorough reports to support cases, including: ​

mosaic of  jester
  • Extreme Hardship

  • Asylum

  • VAWA (Violence Against Women Act)

  • U - Visa

  • T - Visa

What is an Immigration Evaluation?

  • a comprehensive psychosocial assessment and written report which:


  • details client's history and current functioning in various life realms


  • describes social, economic, and political conditions of client's country of origin


  • specifies adversities, traumas, and dangers 

      which necessitated client's departure from              country of origin


  • details hardship that would befall client and family if client were returned to country of origin

How is the evaluation prepared?

  • client and evaluator meet for approx. 3 hour interview, over 1 - 2 sessions


  • sessions will be in-person or via HIPPA-compliant telemental health platform


  • sessions will be recorded, solely for purpose of assisting evaluator in drafting report


  • evaluator will review pertinent documents and collaborate with client's attorney


  • evaluator may pose follow-up questions to client for clarification


  • in most cases, a detailed report will be submitted within 1 month of referral


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